Tuesday, July 06, 2010

A "Million-To-One, Doc" Name

Is this for real? A chiropractor named *Backman*?

Recall that proctologist's vanity plate from Seinfeld:

I was going to link to the Fusilli Jerry Seinfeld script but it looks like, at least on one site, those copyright thugs have unfortunately had it pulled:

The Fusilli Jerry

Unfortunately, the copyright holders of Seinfeld have filed a DMCA request, compelling me to remove the The Fusilli Jerry script from this web site. Even those the The Fusilli Jerry script was transcribed by a Seinfeld fan who spent hours and hours completing the transcript, the publication of the The Fusilli Jerry transcript would somehow cause harm to the copyright owners of Seinfeld. Figure that one out.

1 comment:

Taylor Conant said...


You find the best pictures, ever!

...I'm referring, of course, to the Seinfeld screen caps... not the erotic yoga pose. Ahem.